单例模式在 Python 中的应用

Tornado IOLoop 中 double check 形式的单例模式解析,另:4.7……

By Damnever on April 7, 2015

单例模式 保证一个类仅有一个实例,并提供一个访问它的全局访问点。


class IOLoop(object):

    def instance():
        """Returns a global `IOLoop` instance.

        Most applications have a single, global `IOLoop` running on the
        main thread.  Use this method to get this instance from
        another thread.  To get the current thread's `IOLoop`, use `current()`.
        if not hasattr(IOLoop, "_instance"):
            with IOLoop._instance_lock:
                if not hasattr(IOLoop, "_instance"):
                    # New instance after double check
                    IOLoop._instance = IOLoop()
        return IOLoop._instance

为什么这里要double check



class Singleton(object):

    def instance():
        if not hasattr(Singleton, '_instance'):
            Singleton._instance = Singleton()
        return Singleton._instance

在 Python 里,可以在真正的构造函数__new__里做文章:

class Singleton(object):

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not hasattr(cls, '_instance'):
            cls._instance = super(Singleton, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instance

这种情况看似还不错,但是不能保证在多线程的环境下仍然好用,看图: singleton.png 出现了多线程之后,这明显就是行不通的。



import threading

class Singleton(object):

    _instance_lock = threading.Lock()
    def instance():
        with Singleton._instance_lock:
            if not hasattr(Singleton, '_instance'):
                Singleton._instance = Singleton()
        return Singleton._instance



在 Java/C++ 这些语言里还可以利用全局变量的方式解决上面那种加锁(同步)带来的问题:

class Singleton {

    private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
    private Singleton() {}
    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return instance;

在 Python 里就是这样了:

class Singleton(object):

    def instance():
        return _g_singleton

_g_singleton = Singleton()

# def get_instance():
#     return _g_singleton

但是如果这个类所占的资源较多的话,还没有用这个实例就已经存在了,是非常不划算的,Python 代码也略显丑陋……


所以出现了像tornado.IOLoop.instance()那样的double check的单例模式了。在多线程的情况下,既没有同步(加锁)带来的性能下降,也没有全局变量直接实例化带来的资源浪费。

6-25 补充(使用 decorator):


import functools

def singleton(cls):
    ''' Use class as singleton. '''

    cls.__new_original__ = cls.__new__

    def singleton_new(cls, *args, **kw):
        it =  cls.__dict__.get('__it__')
        if it is not None:
            return it

        cls.__it__ = it = cls.__new_original__(cls, *args, **kw)
        it.__init_original__(*args, **kw)
        return it

    cls.__new__ = singleton_new
    cls.__init_original__ = cls.__init__
    cls.__init__ = object.__init__

    return cls

# Sample use:

class Foo:
    def __new__(cls):
        cls.x = 10
        return object.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self):
        assert self.x == 10
        self.x = 15

assert Foo().x == 15
Foo().x = 20
assert Foo().x == 20


def singleton(cls):
    instance = cls()
    instance.__call__ = lambda: instance
    return instance

# Sample use

class Highlander:
    x = 100
    # Of course you can have any attributes or methods you like.

Highlander() is Highlander() is Highlander #=> True
id(Highlander()) == id(Highlander) #=> True
Highlander().x == Highlander.x == 100 #=> True
Highlander.x = 50
Highlander().x == Highlander.x == 50 #=> True

8-27 更:
